Saturday, February 15, 2025

ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE must be 16384 to mount this database

This error may be returned during different scenarios; however, the root cause may be the same. I was trying to use duplicate command to build a database from backup of another database that had default block size of 16k. Since 8k is default block size of an Oracle database, we MUST specify db_block_size in the init file of the auxiliary instance to the same block size of the source database we are using to build this new database. After I modified the value of this parameter to 16384 in the init file of the auxiliary instance, error did not appear on second attempt of DUPLICATE database command and I was able to build the new database.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

ORA-31655: no data or metadata objects selected for job

 Whenever datapump export is initiated, it should (mainly) either by database level, schema level, or table level. If you omit to tell expdp about the mode of datapump export, ORA-31655 is returned. Therefore, you should always make sure that that you provide level/mode of export datapump whenever you invoke expdp. For example, use parameter full=y for database level export, or schemas parameter for schema level or tables parameter for table level export.

Monday, January 6, 2025

ORA-16086: Redo data cannot be written to the standby redo log

2024-11-22T07:09:14.930561+00:00 Errors in file /data/oracle/MYDB/admin/diag/rdbms/MYDB/MYDB7/trace/MYDB7_lgwr_178713.trc: ORA-16086: Redo data cannot be written to the standby redo log LGWR (PID:178713): Error 16086 for LNO:2 to 'MYDB_sb' LGWR (PID:178713): Failed to archive LNO:2 T-1.S-1765560, error=16086 2024-11-22T07:09:14.945680+00:00 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1765560 (LGWR switch), current SCN: 13393654452914 Current log# 2 seq# 1765560 mem# 0: +DATA/MYDB/onlinelog/group_2.471.1046140279 Current log# 2 seq# 1765560 mem# 1: +REC/MYDB/onlinelog/group_2.19611.1046140279 2024-11-22T07:09:16.758563+00:00 ARC1 (PID:184077): Archived Log entry 7135590 added for T-1.S-1765559 ID 0x794f6c68 LAD:1 2024-11-22T07:09:26.011951+00:00 

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