DGMGRL for Linux: Version - 64bit
Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle. All rights
Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for
information. Connected. DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - TEST DG configuration Protection
Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: DB_PROD - Primary database DB_DG - Physical standby database Error: ORA-16765:
Redo Apply is running Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: ERROR
DGMGRL> show database verbose 'DB_DG';
Database - DB_DG
Manager Name: DB_DGP Role: PHYSICAL STANDBY Intended
State: APPLY-OFF Transport
Lag: 10 hours 10 minutes 13
seconds (computed 8 seconds ago) Apply
Lag: 10 hours 22 minutes
26 seconds (computed 0 seconds ago) Apply
Rate: (unknown) Real Time
Query: ON Instance(s): DB_DG1
(apply instance) Error: ORA-16765:
Redo Apply is running
Properties: DGConnectIdentifier
= 'DB_DG' ObserverConnectIdentifier
= '' LogXptMode
= 'ASYNC' DelayMins = '0' Binding
= 'optional' MaxFailure
= '0' MaxConnections
= '1' ReopenSecs
= '300' NetTimeout
= '30' RedoCompression = 'DISABLE' LogShipping
= 'ON' PreferredApplyInstance
= '' ApplyInstanceTimeout
= '0' ApplyParallel
= 'AUTO' StandbyFileManagement
= 'AUTO' ArchiveLagTarget
= '0' LogArchiveMaxProcesses
= '4' LogArchiveMinSucceedDest
= '1' DbFileNameConvert
= '' LogFileNameConvert
= '+REDO_DG1/DB_PROD, +REDO_DG1/DB_DG, +REDO_DG2/DB_PROD, +REDO_DG2/DB_DG' FastStartFailoverTarget
= '' InconsistentProperties
= '(monitor)' InconsistentLogXptProps
= '(monitor)' SendQEntries
= '(monitor)' LogXptStatus
= '(monitor)' RecvQEntries = '(monitor)' ApplyLagThreshold
= '0' TransportLagThreshold
= '0' TransportDisconnectedThreshold
= '30'
In a DG Broker configuration, we must
always use DGMGRL to start or stop the redo apply service or any other action
we want to perform to manage the dataguard. If we try to start redo apply
service using SQLPLUS, dataguard broker configuration may not sense this and
would return ORA-16765. To solve this problem, disable log apply using DGMGRL,
and then enable it immediately after it. See bellow how to do this.
DGMGRL> edit database 'DB_DG' set
state='APPLY-OFF' ; Succeeded.
DGMGRL> edit database 'DB_DG' set
state='APPLY-ON'; Succeeded.
DGMGRL> show configuration
Configuration - TEST DG configuration
Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: DB_PROD - Primary database
Physical standby database
Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
Configuration Status:
As you can see, there is no more
Thanks, The solution worked.